津留崎健 – Ken Tsurusaki





*写真大学 University of Photography

*GetWel interview 津留崎健/写真家

*日本の釣り文化を支える写真家(Fishing Cafe Creator’s room)



1960年 福岡県久留米市生まれ。



1983年 九州産業大学芸術学部写真学科卒業後、上京し本格的に写真家活動を始める。


1986年 世界各地のウィルダネスをフィールドにフライフィッシングの写真を撮り始める。


1990年 日本写真家協会奨励賞受賞。

1994年 世界各地の自然を舞台にした日本初のフライフィッシング写真集「WATER GAMES」(つり人社)を出版。

雑誌フォーカスに掲載され話題を呼ぶ。写真展「WATER GAMES」を東京、大阪ペンタックスフォーラム、福岡天神FMガヤ、池袋アムラックスにて開催。

1995年 アメリカの原野で釣りをする人達の肖像写真を集めた「魚に会いに出かける午後」写真展を銀座ニコン


1997年 フォトエッセイ集「Catch&Release」(大栄出版)、YMOのメンバーである高橋幸宏氏との共著を出版。

1999年 写真集「フライフィッシングの世界」(つり人社)を出版

2006年 写真集「幸福の森 2700kmフライフィッシングの旅」(つり人社)を出版。


2008年 BSジャパン「写真家たちの日本紀行~未来に残したい情景」出演 

◆第17回 熊本県五木村・少年時代に出会う旅

◆第18回 宮崎県・清流のある風景


2014年 写真集「絶景・日本の釣り」(つり人社)を出版


2015年 「Tamagawa 東京ネイチャー」(つり人社)大都市東京を流れる多摩川の素顔に迫った写真集を出版。

「Tamagawa 東京ネイチャー」写真展を、キヤノンギャラリー銀座を皮切りに、札幌、福岡、名古屋で開催。



2016年 「Watery Moments フライフィッシング水辺の動静」写真企画展を岡田紅陽写真美術館で開催。



Ken Tsurusaki is an outdoor photographer, who (almost) lives in the field. His strength 

lies in his deep love and understanding of the sport of fly fishing, and he has traveled 

the five continents to seek “the moments.” His work appears in major publications in 

various countries.

1960 Ken was born in 1960 in Kurume city, in the big southern island of Kyushu as a 

son of an artist painter. His father was his first mentor in outdoor sports, and Ken 

started to roam the mountains in his home land in his low teens. He clearly remembers 

the day when he first caught the native trout called yamame (land-locked cherry salmon)

and it changed his life. He later expanded his interest into the brine, and he started 

working for a magazine before graduating from college. He also started to take the 

portraits of the people whose vocations are related to water.

1983 Ken graduated from Kyushu Sangyo University, with major in photography. 

Ken immediately relocated to Tokyo and established Ken Tsurusaki Photographic Studio, 

with the aim to put main stress on outdoor photography. He immediately expanded his 

field, and started to visit alpine countries and ocean bottom with scuba gear on.

1986 Ken started to take fly fishing photography. His work was unlike any other and 

regarded very unique, may be because of his fishing background. Ken started to shoot 

for the front cover and the initial full color section of prestigious fishing magazines 

published in Japan.

1990 Ken received an annual award “Shorei Sho” from Japan Professional 

Photographers Society. This prestigious award is given to the budding photographers 

to recognize their uniqueness.

1994 Ken published a large-format coffee table book titled “Water Games” from 

Tsuribito-sha. This was the very first photographic book in Japan solely devoted to 

fly fishing, and attracted a lot of attention form the non-fishing public. He also hosted 

a photo installation with the same titlee in Osaka Pentax Forum, Fukuoka Tenjin FM Gaya 

and Toyota Amlux Ikebukuro.

1995 An installation of angler portraits taken with large-format camera was held in Ginza 

Nikon Salon. Later that year a photo CD with the same title was released. Some of the 

portraits were added to the permanent collection of Kobe Museum of Fashion Photography.

1997 With Yukihiro Takahashi, one of the three members of the YMO(Yellow Magic 

Orchestra) and a devoted fly fisher, Ken co-published a photo essay titled “Catch & 

Release” (Daiei Publishing). 

1999 A photo book titled “The World of Fly Fishing” (Tsuribito-sha) was published. 

2006 A Photo book titled “The Forest of Happiness: A Fly Fishing Journey of 2700km” 

(Tsuribito-sha) was published. Installations with the same title were held in Canon Galleries 

in six locations.

2014 A Photo book titled “Superb view Japanese fishing” (Tsuribito-sha) was published. 

Installations with the same title were held in Konica Minolta Gallery in Shinjuku.

2015 A Photo book titled “Tamagawa Tokyo Nature: Approaching the real face of the 

Tama River flowing through metropolis Tokyo” (Tsuribito-sha) was published. Installations 

with the same title were held in Canon Galleries in four locations.

2016 A titled “Watery Moments FlyFishing: Waterside movement” were held in Okada Koyo 

Photo Museum in Kofu.

His recent enthusiasm is towards wild forests, because it is strongly linked to our watery 

world and fishing.